Detail interior Audi Q7
Detail interior Audi Q7

One of the most pointless yet poignant rides that I have had the opportunity to drive with total abandon is the Audi Q7 4.2. FSI. This car is now entering its fourth year of production and it is extremely pointless because it is a huge, petrol hungry therefore politically incorrect vehicle. It is also the love of people who think that bungalow sized SUVs, which are rubbish off road, are the correct vehicle to own. It is one car which is as long as a standard Mercedes S-class but heavier (at 2250kg), wider and much taller. Anything that is bigger than an S-class is pretty pointless in some ways. And when tree loving eco friendly terrorists tell you that it burns more petrol than the entire nation of Timor Leste at one go you may be inclined to believe them due to the 350bhp 4.2liter V8 powering it.
Detail interior Audi Q7
Detail interior Audi Q7

Deciding on a new vehicle can be some what complex and very time consuming. A lot of big major brands of automobiles out there can heavily be depended on to offer consumers performance and safety features that they require. Some of the major brands of automakers seem to stand out more than the rest. Audi has proven to be one of those brands. Audi has a solid reputation for manufacturing impeccable automobiles that offer style, versatility, power and safety, which is qualities that any and every consumer can appreciate. The Newly modeled Audi Q7 is the leading example when it comes to realizing the total package.