Super Car Nissan-Juke
Super Car Nissan-Juke

Immediately after her dramatic, but safe, return from the summit back down to Everest Base Camp, arriving in to the cheers and accolades of her team mates Bonita was, quite naturally, on a high. But after the initial flurry of media activity and television appearances, what happens to someone who has achieved so much at such a young age? When you've reached the highest of the high, is there anywhere to go but down?$18,960+(5).jpg
Super Car Nissan-Juke
Super Car Nissan-Juke

Hyundai pulled no punches with its redesigned Sonata, taking aim at the typically-dominant mid-size sedans like the Toyota Camry and Honda Civic. By all accounts, the South Korean automaker pulled it off, delivering a stylish yet affordable sedan that is helping Hyundai shed its "budget" image.